Mike's own SMA Email Directory entry

Written by Mike in Summer 1998.

Mike Squire

Should not be here
according to
I've got SMA Type II, use an electric chair full time and also now feed by g-tube as I cannot swallow. I employ 3 full time Personal Assistants for 24 hour support and live in my own home near Coventry. I work for the Council of Disabled People Warwickshir as Service Manager. CDP is a large campaigning organisation with 22 staff. My interests include disability rights, disability arts, a bit of gardening, music (anything weird) and Somerset Carnivals! I grew up in Glastonbury, Somerset; went to a special school and got HELD BACK. Now got a degree in Information Design, for what it's worth. Finally am currently Chair of JTSMA!

JTSMA is wonderful, it is my other family. The opportunity to meet so many other people affected by SMA, of all types, is invaluable and somthing I shall cherish to my grave! Thank you Jennifer. . . . .

ISSUES: I have strong beliefs in user led groups, disability rights and get fed up with being surrounded by the medical model. 'Accessible' and 'Equal Opps' are just trendy words and to me it's culture that needs to change not just attitudes and terminology! Independence and choice are vital to everyone and I just wish that disabled people would see what a shield society puts in front of us. We CAN have what others have. If you need assistance it should be there, don't pay to have your socks put on - your social worker doesn't! Shout and demand and don't be grateful, even though the next image you see today of disability WILL be patronising, negative and damn right rude and offensive!

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JTSMA latest update 20th Feb '99